Space saving: The compactness of folding massager contributes to its practicality and portability. When folded, these devices are usually 30x20x10 cm in size or approximately half the volume of non-foldable models. Its small and flat size enables individuals to store it in compact storage spaces such gym bags or travel suitcases.
Its design provides a way for the massager to take up as little room as possible and work at its full capacity. When you introduce a foldable massager capable of the same power and features, yet weighs only around 1.8kg (which is roughly %25 lighter than similarly powered traditional models) this also shifts perception towards acceptance as well! The reduced weight plays also in its favor for people who need to carry their elliptical on the road or have limited storage space at home.
A folding mechanism helps compress the tatami massage chair to nearly half its operational size. They have three segments that fold together; when these sections are not folded, the working length is usually 35 cm, but it drops to near-18 cm on folding making them easy carriers in small spaces.
The compact design of this new machine appeals to the practicality that reflected in consumer feedback. 1 user review on WellnessDaily also found foldable surgeons received numerous plaudits for being able to squeeze into small storage spaces, achieving a 40% convenience increase over bulker models.
According to health and wellness experts, there are numerous benefits of this design. According to ergonomics expert Dr. Linda Brooks, “The size of foldable massager solves a problem that many people encounter in storage and portability which is convenient for those with small residential units.”
To find out all about the Foldable Massager including its size and advantages, just follow the link.